Re: Glassfish kills business

From: Kumar Jayanti <>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 08:15:40 +0530

> We made a test, and in fact we can confirm, that after a download of 45 MB,
> Glassfish
> cracks up. We do not know why.

So what technology/API is involved in this download process ?.

On 22-Aug-2011, at 11:56 PM, wrote:

> Hi @all,
> first of all, thank you for your answers and kindly accept my apologies for
> having failed to find the right "sound".
> This was not to blame the Glassfish developer or to disgrace the Glassfish
> itself, it was in fact deep frustration
> coupled with the fact, that I have asked here a few months ago several
> questions in a very polite and friendly
> manner and they left unreplied.
> But lets go to the heart of the matter:
> As mentioned in my previous post, we use jFastCGI and found out, that
> incorporating environment variables from
> lighthttpd, jFastCGI can run with 1 process but with hundreds of child
> processes:
> export PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN="5"
> export PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS="1000"
> /opt/php-5.3.5-suhosin/bin/php-cgi -b
> I did not made the jFastCGI available separately for each virtual host, but
> made it available globally.
> the jFastCGI libs reside in the ${glassfish_root}/libs and the parameters
> then set in default-web.xml
> the speed is tremendous and we could improve our speed serving php apps 2
> times comparing to apache2,
> even if apache, php and all what belongs to it was compiled with optimization
> for UltraSparc-IIIi architectures.
> With this implemtation we can host Drupal CMS, WordPress, xt/os Commerce and
> many other apps, but without
> rewrite engine.
> jFastCGI would be a big improvement, if the connection to php-cgi does not go
> over the localhost ip stack but
> could deal with a socket.
> anyway, I trust, that jFastCGI is not that what causes the problem as I could
> see the same behaviour if no cgi extension is enabled.
> Glassfish runs out of memory after a certain time, and this is an issue that
> should receive attention. The garbage collector and
> the heap should release memory after a certain time to keep the service up
> and running.
> The problem that Glassfish suddenly dies occurs when downloads are made.
> We are hosting and sponsoring the repository and our
> visitors complain,
> that they are unable to download the solaris 11 nevada b130 DVD iso.
> We made a test, and in fact we can confirm, that after a download of 45 MB,
> Glassfish
> cracks up. We do not know why.
> With regards to the web administration panal, I am personally disappointed,
> that we have
> raised an issue more than 2 years ago, that on Sun Sparc architectures the
> webui-jsf- file is corrupt and
> after a start of the glassfish service the console can not be loaded. the
> workaround I utilized was to copy the particular
> file from an x86 architecture and it was then operational.
> we have the following in use:
> Java:
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_25-b06)
> Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 20.0-b11, mixed mode)
> GlassFish:
> Glassfish 3.2 b6
> I went deep into the matter with my investigation and I tried several
> original advises from Sun how to deal with java heap space
> and after long tries, the following parameters from domain.xml delayed the
> glassfish death for 2 days, but on peak times it still runs out
> of memory at least once per day:
> <jvm-options>-Xmn2g</jvm-options>
> <jvm-options>-Xss128k</jvm-options>
> <jvm-options>-XX:ParallelGCThreads=20</jvm-options>
> <jvm-options>-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC</jvm-options>
> <jvm-options>-XX:+UseParNewGC</jvm-options>
> <jvm-options>-XX:SurvivorRatio=8</jvm-options>
> <jvm-options>-XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90</jvm-options>
> <jvm-options>-XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=31</jvm-options>
> <jvm-options>-XX:+AggressiveOpts</jvm-options>
> <jvm-options>-XX:PermSize=192m</jvm-options>
> <jvm-options>-XX:MaxPermSize=512m</jvm-options>
> this is the top command output for the particular java process:
> 20264 gfwebsrv 766 59 0 2381M 2176M sleep 94:24
> 0.40% java
> The behavior described is independend from the platform. it occurs on Sparc
> and x86 plattforms
> with Java 6 (version see above) or latest Java 7.
> I want to point out, that we would like to continue with hosting on Glassfish
> not only because of the speed.
> again my apologies for my rough words on my previous post, but I am sure,
> that you understand,
> that it is no fun if you get suddenly overrun with costumer complaints.
> Thank you,
> Best Regards.
> --
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