Re: Glassfish kills business

From: <>
Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2011 13:26:50 -0500 (CDT)

Hi @all,

first of all, thank you for your answers and kindly accept my apologies for
having failed to find the right "sound".

This was not to blame the Glassfish developer or to disgrace the Glassfish
itself, it was in fact deep frustration

coupled with the fact, that I have asked here a few months ago several
questions in a very polite and friendly

manner and they left unreplied.


But lets go to the heart of the matter:


As mentioned in my previous post, we use jFastCGI and found out, that
incorporating environment variables from

lighthttpd, jFastCGI can run with 1 process but with hundreds of child


/opt/php-5.3.5-suhosin/bin/php-cgi -b


I did not made the jFastCGI available separately for each virtual host, but
made it available globally.

the jFastCGI libs reside in the ${glassfish_root}/libs and the parameters
then set in default-web.xml


the speed is tremendous and we could improve our speed serving php apps 2
times comparing to apache2,

even if apache, php and all what belongs to it was compiled with optimization
for UltraSparc-IIIi architectures.

With this implemtation we can host Drupal CMS, WordPress, xt/os Commerce and
many other apps, but without

rewrite engine.

jFastCGI would be a big improvement, if the connection to php-cgi does not go
over the localhost ip stack but

could deal with a socket.


anyway, I trust, that jFastCGI is not that what causes the problem as I could
see the same behaviour if no cgi extension is enabled.

Glassfish runs out of memory after a certain time, and this is an issue that
should receive attention. The garbage collector and

the heap should release memory after a certain time to keep the service up
and running.

The problem that Glassfish suddenly dies occurs when downloads are made.

We are hosting and sponsoring the repository and our
visitors complain,

that they are unable to download the solaris 11 nevada b130 DVD iso.

We made a test, and in fact we can confirm, that after a download of 45 MB,

cracks up. We do not know why.

With regards to the web administration panal, I am personally disappointed,
that we have

raised an issue more than 2 years ago, that on Sun Sparc architectures the
webui-jsf- file is corrupt and

after a start of the glassfish service the console can not be loaded. the
workaround I utilized was to copy the particular

file from an x86 architecture and it was then operational.

we have the following in use:


Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_25-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 20.0-b11, mixed mode)


Glassfish 3.2 b6

I went deep into the matter with my investigation and I tried several
original advises from Sun how to deal with java heap space

and after long tries, the following parameters from domain.xml delayed the
glassfish death for 2 days, but on peak times it still runs out

of memory at least once per day:


this is the top command output for the particular java process:

 20264 gfwebsrv      766  59    0 2381M 2176M sleep   94:24 
0.40% java
The behavior described is independend from the platform. it occurs on Sparc
and x86 plattforms

with Java 6 (version see above) or latest Java 7.

I want to point out, that we would like to continue with hosting on Glassfish
not only because of the speed.

again my apologies for my rough words on my previous post, but I am sure,
that you understand,

that it is no fun if you get suddenly overrun with costumer complaints.

Thank you,

Best Regards.


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