I have an ear with an ejb part (MyServices.jar) and a web-application part
From my webapp I want to access an ejb in the ejb part but its not working:
In the webapp I have a pojo that does a lookup for the ejb using:
DispatcherServiceLocal dispatcherServiceLocal =(DispatcherServiceLocal)new
I am not using the Global JNDI Names, I know, but the ejb is defined using:
@Stateless(name = "DispatcherService", mappedName = "DispatcherServiceLocal")
@LocalBean public DispatcherService implements DispatcherServiceLocal,
DispatcherServiceLocal is defined as @Local
In the log file I see:
... Glassfish-specific (Non-portable) JNDI names for EJB DispatcherService:
[DispatcherServiceLocal, ... ...
But I receive the exception:
Lookup failed for 'DispatcherServiceLocal' in
JNDIStateFactoryImpl, java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=com.sun.enterprise.naming}
Why is this happening? I am using the no-args InitialContext and both the
pojo doing the lookup and the ejb are in the same app on the same server.
The problem is that if I use the global JDNI name it works:
Can anybody help please? Thanks!
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