Re: [GFv3.1] GUI doesn't accept DataSource class name

From: Sumasri <>
Date: Mon, 04 Jul 2011 14:08:13 +0530

Hi Markus,

Thanks for bringing it up. I have raised an issue to track this one(

On Friday 01 July 2011 08:08 PM, Markus Karg wrote:
> We're currently migrating from GFv2 to GFv3 and have trouble providing
> the JDBC class.
> In GFv2 everything works well: We gave a native path prefix for the
> driver DLL and a classpath prefix for the driver JAR. Ping works.
> In GFv3 there is no more classpath prefix, so we only gave the native
> path prefix, but copied the driver JAR into domain1/lib, then
> restarted. When we try to create a JDBC Connection Pool, we have to
> say "unknown vendor" and give the DataSource's class name. We type it
> in and press Finish but GFv3 always says: "Must specify either
> Datasource Classname or Driver Classname" -- which is weird, as we
> typed in that class name...!
> What is our fault? How to fix that?
> Thanks!
> Markus