Re: Need help for glassfish 3.1 clustering

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 10:56:12 -0400

On 6/21/11 6:26 AM, wrote:
> Hi all, thanks for the response.
> I checked with network team, and modified iptables.
> Now am getting loopback multicast message from the same node. But
> other node
> not responding.

That's progress! :)

> When I hit this comnad *./asadmin validate-multicast --multicastport=2379
> --multicastaddress= --timeout 45 --verbose*,
> am getting ,* Unexpected exception occurred:
> java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1*

I think you must be running GlassFish at the same time as the tool, and
so the tool is getting messages from the app server that it can't
understand. It's documented not to do this, but it was still a bug in
the tool that I didn't account for it, now fixed in GlassFish 3.1.1:

Make sure you're not running your app server at the same time and see if
you're getting the results you want. You can also run the
validate-multicast command with the --verbose flag and that will output
every message that it receives, showing you what's coming in. The output
you're looking for will be something like:

McastReceiver: received
