Re: Glassfish OSGi Deployer

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Wed, 04 May 2011 06:19:01 +0530

It is a bit more complicated than what you have mentioned. Support for
wars and EJB jars as OSGi bundles already exist; see osgi-web-container,
osgi-ejb-container, etc. We have an RFE filed for deploying ear as osgi
bundle or a set of osgi bundles. Why do you want to write them on their

On Wednesday 04 May 2011 12:47 AM, Azubuko Obele wrote:
> Now that I've got GF running inside Eclipse I'd like to explore the
> possibility of deeper osgi integration. Specifically I'd like to be
> able to deploy wars and ears that are also osgi bundles. As far as I
> understand this would primarily be a matter of implementing the
> Deployer and Archive interfaces. This doesn't look to difficult but I
> wonder (1) what should I do once I have my Deployer interface done?
> Where can I register it? and (2) would it be possible to subclass the
> existing War Deployer and Ear Deployer and simply change how they load
> classes and resources?
> Thanks