Glassfish 3.1 - glassfish-resources.xml && JMS Queues?

From: Andrew Hughes <>
Date: Mon, 2 May 2011 16:36:10 +0930


I can see several references that suggest a JMS Queue can be configured in
*.ear:./WEB-INF/glassfish-resources.xml ....

For example:

With GlassFish Server, you can use the asadmin create-jms-resource command
or the Administration Console to create JMS administered objects in the form
of connector resources. *You can also specify the resources in a file named
glassfish-resources.xml that you can bundle with an application*.

But I can't see any documentation or examples on how this is done. I feel
like I've exhausted all avenues I know :'( so help would be very much
