Re: Eclipse/Glassfish, deployment of OSGi bundles

From: Ludovic Champenois <>
Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 09:21:14 -0700

On 5/10/11 12:18 PM, Jeroen Benckhuijsen wrote:
> Hi all,
> Recently I've filed bug on
> the usage of @OSGiService within pure Java EE applications. Of course,
> consuming OSGi service withint a EE app is not possible. The bug was
> mainly filed, as there currently doesn't seem to be an easy way to
> deploy bundles developed within Eclipse on a Glassfish 3.x app server.
> As agreed with Sanjeeb Sahoo, we wanted to start a separate thread to
> discuss how this would be possible. So any thoughts on how to do this.
> Preferably I would like it to be as easy as possible for the
> developer, e.g. just by the using Add/Remove projects option.
The Eclipse Libra project ( ) is currently
in incubation mode.
See the schedule at

Not sure yet if OSGI/GlassFish would be a target for the 0.1 release...
Being a 0.1 release does not give enough data point for how many people
would use it.

> Thanks
> Jeroen