Re: Logback JMX Configuration with Glassfish

From: <>
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 02:47:51 -0500 (CDT)

Continuing with my investigation I found that glassfish creates two
classloader instances for a web application as I mention above. The first one
named as 'shareableTemp' is destroyed after the PREPARE phase. Before
destroying it clears the all the classed loaded by that classloader. 

The above error appears because the logback jmx bean which was loaded by this
'shareableTemp' classloader is registered with the MBeanServer and this is
not unregistered when the classloader is destroyed. Hence the error.


Is there some custom code or a workaround or a fix needed for unregistering
the jmx beans which got registered with the 'shareableTemp' classloader?






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