Re: get-health reports incorrectly

From: <>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 13:57:36 -0500 (CDT)

     Hello Tom and Bobby,


[quote=tmueller]I see that Bobby has responded regarding the get-health
issue. Regarding password aliases, there is a mistake in the Security Guide
regarding password aliases for AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD. An alias for
AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD cannot be used in the password file that is passed to
asadmin. If it could, then anyone that knows the name of your alias would be
able to access the server without knowing the password. This would be a big
security hole. I've created issue GLASSFISH-16401 about the documentation
problem. To store an obfuscated password locally so that you can run asadmin
command without entering the password everytime, use the "asadmin login"
subcommand. This command prompts for the username and password and stores the
obfuscated password in a "$HOME/.asadminpass" file, which is then used by
future asadmin commands. Password aliases are intended for use within the
domain.xml file so that plaintext passwords do not have to be stored there.

Thank you again Tom for providing the precious asadmin login command. This
solved my issue with cleartext password in 100%. :)

[quote=bbissett]If not, please respond with the list-instances output above,
the output from 'validate-multicast' on the DAS and one other node (use the
--verbose option as well), and if that doesn't solve it I might need a peek
at your domain.xml.[/quote]

I uploaded again the full information about the domain with synced clocks
this time. You were right about the clocks. There was a difference of nearly
4-5 hours.

I fixed this and did the test again. Nothing different unfortunately.
get-health cluster1 said both instances are not running again though they are
100% operational (also on the WEB GUI localhost:4848 both instances are
correctly displayed as running) as you can see from the following logs: [1] [2] [3] [4]

I hope this information will be helpful to you.


Todor Ivanov



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