Re: get-health reports incorrectly

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 09:40:12 -0500

I see that Bobby has responded regarding the get-health issue.

Regarding password aliases, there is a mistake in the Security Guide
regarding password aliases for AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD. An alias for
AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD cannot be used in the password file that is passed to
asadmin. If it could, then anyone that knows the name of your alias
would be able to access the server without knowing the password. This
would be a big security hole. I've created issue GLASSFISH-16401 about
the documentation problem.

To store an obfuscated password locally so that you can run asadmin
command without entering the password everytime, use the "asadmin login"
subcommand. This command prompts for the username and password and
stores the obfuscated password in a "$HOME/.asadminpass" file, which is
then used by future asadmin commands.

Password aliases are intended for use within the domain.xml file so that
plaintext passwords do not have to be stored there.
