RE: Hybrid OSGi/WS application and Glassfish 3.1

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 22:48:26 -0400

/* shows these parameters */

    /* @param implType
     * Endpoint class(not SEI). Enpoint class must have @WebService or @WebServiceProvider
     * annotation.
     * have you verified your Endpoint class has @Webservice or @WebServiceProvider

     * @param processHandlerAnnotation
     * Flag to control processing of @HandlerChain on Impl class
     * if true, processes @HandlerChain on Impl
     * if false, DD might have set HandlerChain no need to parse.
    * what does your DD say the processHandler annotation is

     * @param invoker
     * Pass an object to invoke the actual endpoint object. If it is null, a default
     * invoker is created using {_at_link InstanceResolver#createDefault}. Appservers
     * could create its own invoker to do additional functions like transactions,
     * invoking the endpoint through proxy etc.
     *implType param has to be spot on match correct otherwise this param chokes

     * @param serviceName
     * Optional service name(may be from DD) to override the one given by the
     * implementation class. If it is null, it will be derived from annotations.
     * optional but what is your serviceName in DD

     * @param portName
     * Optional port name(may be from DD) to override the one given by the
     * implementation class. If it is null, it will be derived from annotations.
     * optional but what is your serviceName in DD

     * @param container
     * Allows technologies that are built on top of JAX-WS(such as WSIT) needs to
     * negotiate private contracts between them and the container
     * @param binding
     * JAX-WS implementation of {_at_link Binding}. This object can be created by
     * {_at_link BindingID#createBinding()}. Usually the binding can be got from
     * DD, {_at_link}.
    * what is your binding from DD

what does the DD you are using look like?

i dont have any testcases here..if we could get some binding testcases we can at least narrow down which binding is failing
arun did you find anything?

Martin Gainty
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> Date: Sun, 17 Apr 2011 20:43:52 +0200
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: Hybrid OSGi/WS application and Glassfish 3.1
> Hi Marcin,
> I could easily reproduce the error and now will look into it.
> Thanks,
> -Arun
> On 4/9/11 8:07 PM, wrote:
> > You can see the error in the stacktrace. It starts from the line below:
> >
> > Deployment failed class
> > pl.zsk.osgi.jaxws.HelloWorldResponse do not have a property of the name
> > return at
> >$DocLit.(
> >
> >
> >
> > First of all, I suspected an incompatibility between GF and JDK jaxws/jaxb
> > implementations, but this application can be intalled in GF3.1 web
> > container
> > without any problems.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Marcin
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > [Message sent by forum member 'mkwapisz']
> >
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