Re: Glassfish 3.1 is much slower to deploy

From: Andreas Loew <>
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2011 11:10:55 +0200


while I am not part of the development team, I would advise you to

(1) monitor your GF instance using JVisualVM (Netbeans) profiler doing a
CPU profiling recording during your deployment and provide the results
to this list
(2) try to create a simple reproducible test case containing only the
"Stateless Session Bean facade with over 700 methods" and provide this
test case to this list

such that it hopefully becomes more clear where the potential issue is
in detail...

Also, after (1) and/or (2), in case the issue is evident, please raise a
GF issue for this.

Many thanks & best regards from Germany,


Am 05/04/11 00:22, schrieb
> Our application used to take less than a minute to deploy on Glassfish
> 2 It
> now takes 500s to deploy on Glassfish 3.1 which makes for a painfully
> slow
> development cycle. I have experimented and what takes long is our
> Stateless
> Sesion Bean which is a Session Facade. It is large with over 700
> methods. If
> I leave this out and just load a few ancillary stateless session beans
> our
> message beans, JPA classes etc the application deploys in about 20 s.
> Is this
> a common experience ? Is there someway I can speed this deployment ?

Andreas Loew | Senior Java Architect
Oracle Advanced Customer Services
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG