Re: Re: RE: Re: Interrupted idle thread

From: NBW <>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 14:03:28 -0400

On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Martin, Ray <>wrote:

> Thank you, Sir.
> I will be testing using your suggestion. Do you know if there is a
> setting for “never time out”?

I thought I read somewhere on this list that you might be able to use -1 to
achieve this but I am not sure if that's the case or not.

From what you are saying it seems to me though that a better approach would
be to make this an async operation. Even if you make these threads never
time out what will happen is that after a few of these long running requests
get kicked off you will deplete the HTTP connector thread pool. This will
prevent handling any more requests to any web apps that your instance may be

> Also, I have not yet used your suggestion, but, in all cases – synchronous
> or asynchronous – the “interrupted idle thread” occurred in my testing. I
> was expecting that asynchronous web operations would not hit the
> “interrupted idle thread” because the asynchronous message returns
> immediately. But, no matter, the long running web operation still hits the
> “interrupted idle thread”.

> I have some web operations that run for days – so, I am really looking for
> a “never time out” setting.

I suspect you are starting your worker thread from the same thread that is
involved in the HTTP request. In that case they will be part of the same
thread group and when the parent is interrupted the children are interrupted
as well. There are a few approaches to take here. Some of them are
technically not allowed by the EE specification but you can get away with
them if you understand the pitfalls. For example you can start your own
threads from a synchronized method in a Singleton EJB (which you inject into
your web service). In that case these threads won't be interrupted in the
case you are talking about. However, the 'right' way to go about this with
EE6 would be to have your Web Service use a Stateless session bean which is
injected into it which has an @Asynchronous method on it that returns a
Future<V>. For an example of this check out:

> Thank you so much – I was unaware of the setting from the console – my
> bad. I am off to do some testing.

No problem. Good luck.
