JAX-RS trying to load named queries as classes?! No, really. Have a look.

From: <>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 14:33:25 PDT

It's the end of the day and I'm all done in, but here's another one:

In build 20, we suddenly started getting raftloads of ClassNotFoundExceptions in the log. They actually look like for some reason the Glassfish web classloader is trying to load JPA named queries as classes. I know, I didn't believe it either. See for yourself from this snippet of hundreds and hundreds like it:

[#|2010-09-21T16:56:35.306-0400|WARNING|glassfish3.1||_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|WEB9052: Unable to load class findActiveByConstituent, reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: findActiveByConstituent|#]

[#|2010-09-21T16:56:35.306-0400|WARNING|glassfish3.1||_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|WEB9052: Unable to load class delete, reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: delete|#]

[#|2010-09-21T16:56:35.306-0400|WARNING|glassfish3.1||_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|WEB9052: Unable to load class findAll, reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: findAll|#]

[#|2010-09-21T16:56:35.306-0400|WARNING|glassfish3.1||_ThreadID=15;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|WEB9052: Unable to load class updateMiscellaneousPayment, reason: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: updateMiscellaneousPayment|#]

All of these things like "updateMiscellaneousPayment" are names of @NamedQueries that are on our JPA objects, that are bundled in the lib directory of the ear file.

Our only web component at all is a JAX-RS Application class. I suspect that perhaps something has gone terribly wrong with annotation scanning.

This was not happening in b19.

What's going on?

[Message sent by forum member 'ljnelson']