Re: Compiling JSP is slow on v3

From: <>
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2010 02:05:27 PDT

Yeah, this really got my attention. :-)

To get to the login page, the following things happen:

1. index.jsp is a one-liner that just redirects to my main servlet with a 'login' command (which does nothing except redirect to the home page). The servlet URL is protected with a <security-constraint> in my DD.

2. The main servlet is 1400 lines of Java code, with injection of 14 EJBs. (Not that any of those are used in login). (I just added <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> to the DD, but that did not help, btw). It also has a ServletContextListener that sets up some Timers by calling EJB methods.

3. The home page is just a navigation menu.

As I said, this was really quick i v2.

I just noted in server.log that in V3 redeployment alone takes 9 s:

[#|2010-09-01T10:26:29.125+0200|INFO|glassfish3.0.1||_ThreadID=28;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|fpcontrolserver was successfully deployed in 9 204 milliseconds.|#]

The EAR file is 1.4 MB.

I have not twiddled any JSP compilation options; I run GF 3 out of the box.

I changed the logging level for the module org.apache.jasper to FINE using the admin console. But I can't figure out where the output is... it's not in server.log.

At an early stage of the project I considered editing the JSP pages directly in the deployed directory, but decided against it. It would add some complication that I'm not comfortable with. So I don't think that's an option for me right now. I'm more interested in why suddenly everything became soo much slower with V3. Am I doing something wrong, or is this just the way V3 is?

Per Lindberg
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