Re: ear with ejb deployment problem

From: Marina Vatkina <>
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2010 10:05:14 -0700

I'm glad you solved the problem.


MailingLists wrote:
> Well,
> as the error was explicit we change the type of an attribute in
> PrimitivesBeanRemote and every thing is fine now.
> Best regards
> Le 03/09/2010 09:17, MailingLists a écrit :
>> Hello Marina,
>> Thank you for answering so fast, I felt a little lonely on this problem.
>> So in the beginning, I have the following project :
>> Inside the ear I have the following structure :
>> The manifest is quite simple :
>> /Manifest-Version: 1.0
>> Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.8.1
>> Created-By: 1.6.0_21-b06 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
>> /
>> The deployment of this ear works well.
>> The I add the EA client :
>> If I use the NB deployment, which corresponds to a directory
>> deployment it works and execute well.
>> But If I try to deploy the ear, it doesn't work. The structure of the
>> ear is as under :
>> The manifest file isn't different.
>> As I use the ear deployment, the error message is :
>> /Exception while deploying the app : java.lang.RuntimeException:
>> Target ejb PrimitivesBean for remote ejb 3.0 reference
>> org.kipigo.ejb.facade.PrimitivesFacadeBean/_pbl does not expose a
>> remote business interface of type org.kipigo.ejb.jpa.PrimitivesBeanLocal
>> Target ejb PrimitivesBean for remote ejb 3.0 reference
>> org.kipigo.ejb.facade.PrimitivesFacadeBean/_pbl does not expose a
>> remote business interface of type
>> org.kipigo.ejb.jpa.PrimitivesBeanLocal /
>> I you want I can send the ear to you
>> Big Thanks to you
>> Le 02/09/2010 17:35, Marina Vatkina a écrit :
>>> What is the structure of your ear when you add a client?
>>> -marina
>>> MailingLists wrote:
>>>> Dear all of you,
>>>> I have a problem with the deployment of my ear.
>>>> I'm working on GF 3.1.b18 but the problem was exactly the same on
>>>> 3.0.1.
>>>> My enterprise application have a jpa and a facade bean.
>>>> When I build and deploy the ear with netbeans 6.9.1 or with the
>>>> asadmin command everything is successful.
>>>> I created a EA client that runs correctly on local.
>>>> But when I deploy the EA with the client inside, I have the
>>>> following issue :
>>>> /./asadmin deploy --user admin
>>>> /home/XXX/org.kipigo.EjbContainer/dist/org.kipigo.EjbContainer.ear
>>>> remote failure: Exception while deploying the app :
>>>> java.lang.RuntimeException: Target ejb PrimitivesBean for remote
>>>> ejb 3.0 reference org.kipigo.ejb.facade.PrimitivesFacadeBean/_pbl
>>>> does not expose a remote business interface of type
>>>> org.kipigo.ejb.jpa.PrimitivesBeanLocal
>>>> Target ejb PrimitivesBean for remote ejb 3.0 reference
>>>> org.kipigo.ejb.facade.PrimitivesFacadeBean/_pbl does not expose a
>>>> remote business interface of type
>>>> org.kipigo.ejb.jpa.PrimitivesBeanLocal
>>>> Échec de la commande deploy./
>>>> What I don't understand is how the simple fact of adding a client
>>>> could corrupt the ejb definition?
>>>> Is there a bug here? I can send both ear.
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Florent THOMAS
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