Interrupted idle thread

From: Martin, Ray <>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 15:38:17 -0400

Using glassfish build 74.2 and jdk1.6.0_20


Have one EJBModule using webservice and JPA deployed in a enterprise

Had running very well in v2.

Changed to v3.

Get a "Warning: Interrupting idle Thread: http-threa-pool-8080-(x)"
where x appears to be a one up number.


On startup a SOAP message is sent one time to the EJBModule. The
EJBModule performs some processing and sends a response SOAP message.
In v2, the process could run for minutes, hours, or days without


In v3, after the warning message, something ( I am pretty sure that it
is not the web service client - because it is instrumented) causes a
SOAP messages and the processing starts over and corrupts my databases.


I don't know what to do.


Any help would be appreciated.

