Re: Not all sessions invalidated in GF 2.1.1

From: <>
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2010 08:49:05 PDT

I cannot solve this problem.

I have already reinstalled SGES 2.1.1 and configured the server by hand with the admin console to make sure that domain.xml and default-web.xml are not corrupted. But the problem still remains. Glassfish does not invalidate approximately 25% of all web sessions. The number of active sessions (ActiveSessionsCurrent) grows and grows and grows so I have to restart glassfsh from time to time. As I have already mentioned the problem didn´t occur in the past when I used SJSAS 9.1.

What can I do to find out what is the problem? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
[Message sent by forum member 'zebhed']