Re: GlassFish and Platform Services - Feedback Request

From: Byron Nevins <>
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2010 14:11:59 -0700
Thanks for your feedback!

On 8/2/2010 2:03 PM, NBW wrote:
Hi Byron,

It would be nice to finally have a Windows service install procedure both as the result of running the installer or using asadmin which properly sets things up like adding -Xrs to the necessary bat files etc. 

It would also be nice to be able to have platform services for running the bundled JavaDB in network mode similar to how you can rung OpenMQ in either embedded or server mode.  

There's no supported way to have the bundled JavaDB start in network mode. You have to use something like JavaServiceWrapper to install a separate JavaDB service. You should be able to to have the option to have it start up the JavaDB in network mode during GF startup. This would simplify deployment by reducing the number of installed services, remove dealing with service dependency/start order and all the other manual overhead associated with doing this. Right now you can only have GF start the JavaDB in embedded mode which is unfortunate because one of the major drawbacks of this mode is that there can only be one client connected to the DB at a time making working with a running database (for example for debugging/development purposes) a real pain. 



On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Byron Nevins <> wrote:
If you have any interest or needs concerning running GlassFish as a service in your operating system then please take a look at the wiki page[1] and send me feedback.   The sooner the better.
Thanks in advance.


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Byron Nevins  -  Oracle Corporation
Home: 650-359-1290
Cell: 650-784-4123
Sierra: 209-295-2188