Hi Tim & Maksim,
This issue of not been able to run application client in Netbeans 6.8, GF3.1 has been resolved by getting the most recent Glassfish nightly download. However, I am still not able to deploy the same EAR project on the command prompt using Ant outside of Netbeans (was able to in NB 6.7, GF2.1) as follows:
C:\Documents and Settings\Jack\HelloNB68GF31>ant run-deploy
[echo] Deploying dist/HelloNB68GF31.ear
[get] Getting:
http://localhost:8080/__asadmin/deploy?path=C:\Documents an
d Settings\Jack\HelloNB68GF31\dist\HelloNB68GF31.ear?force=true?name=HelloNB68GF31
[get] To: C:\DOCUME~1\Jack\LOCALS~1\Temp\gfv32076549914
[get] Error opening connection java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 505 for URL:
nts and Settings\Jack\HelloNB68GF31\dist\HelloNB68GF31.ear?force=true?name=HelloNB68GF31
[get] Error opening connection java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 505 for URL:
nts and Settings\Jack\HelloNB68GF31\dist\HelloNB68GF31.ear?force=true?name=HelloNB68GF31
[get] Error opening connection java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 505 for URL:
nts and Settings\Jack\HelloNB68GF31\dist\HelloNB68GF31.ear?force=true?name=HelloNB68GF31
[get] Can't get
http://localhost:8080/__asadmin/deploy?path=C:\Documents and Settings\Jack\HelloNB68GF31\dist\HelloNB68GF31.ear?force=true?name=HelloNB68GF31 to C:\DOC
C:\Documents and Settings\Jack\HelloNB68GF31\nbproject\ant-deploy.xml:50: Can't get
http://localhost:8080/__asadmin/deploy?path=C:\Documents and Settings\Jack\HelloNB68GF31\dist\HelloNB68GF31.ear?force=true?name=HelloNB68GF31 to C:\DOCUME~1\Jack\LOCALS~1\Temp
However, I have been successful in deploying and running application client using asadmin as suggested. As a result, would you be able to tell where in Netbeans is the issue is coming from and how to resolve it, if possible?
I also could not access Admin Console for GF3.1 using Internet Explorer 8.0 which worked for GF2.1 & 3.0. It tried to display the Admin Console but ended up with nothing. Hence, I struggled with updating the admin user password using asadmin, since the $HOME\.asadminpass was set with a different password to the default one.
I have attached the GF3.1 server.log which included numerous severe & warning error messages but EJB 3.1 seems to work nevertheless.
Many thanks again,
[Message sent by forum member 'htran_888']