Re: Couldn't run Application Client on GFv3.0

From: <>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 14:45:32 PDT

Hi, Jack.

I think there at least two different things going on here, and maybe more, both related to the URL sent to the server to perform the deployment.

1. The query string looks improperly formatted. I would have expected instead of

Getting: http://localhost:8080/__asadmin/deploy?path=C:\Documents an
d Settings\Jack\HelloNB68GF31\dist\HelloNB68GF31.ear?force=true?name=HelloNB68GF31

to see

Getting: http://localhost:8080/__asadmin/deploy?path=C:\Documents an
d Settings\Jack\HelloNB68GF31\dist\HelloNB68GF31.ear?force=true&name=HelloNB68GF31

the difference being that the ? before force=true introduces the entire query string, with the & before name separating elements in the query string. Now, this might not actually make any difference in this case because he default name for the application - derived from the EAR file name - would be he same as the name specified in the query string. But that looks wrong to me.

2. In the server.log (thanks for attaching it), it looks as if the installation path for GlassFish contains a space. (c:\Program Files\glassfishv3) This is supposed to work, but there are places in the log file where it looks as if the string "Program%20Files" is treated correctly and others where it gets further encoded as "Program%2520Files" (that is, the % sign was incorrectly interpreted as a normal character and not as an escape character).

Do you see these errors if you restart the server and deploy the app with NetBeans completely out of the picture - not even using the NetBeans ant script? If so, then there would seem to be a GlassFish bug and please open one.

How about if you start GlassFish from outside NetBeans but deploy the app using the NetBeans ant script?

What if you take NetBeans completely out of the picture, and start GlassFish and deploy the app using asadmin commands only, not even the NetBeans ant script?

The answers will help point to whether this is a GlassFish problem, a NetBeans one, or both. And it will help people on this end in reproducing it here.


- Tim
[Message sent by forum member 'tjquinn']