Re: Couldn't run Application Client on GFv3.0

From: <>
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2010 13:33:22 PDT

Hi, Jack.

Some things are seriously not right.

The line from which the NPE originates is the line in the unfixed GlassFish 3.0 code. The 3.1 code on that line cannot produce a NPE.

Also, the "error starting the adapter..." error message from the server is worrisome.

I apologize if you've tried this already earlier. Use NetBeans to build the EAR file. Then start up GlassFish 3.1 from outside NetBeans using (where installDir points to your GlassFish 3.1 installation directory):

%installDir%\bin\asadmin start-domain

Deploy the EAR using either the GlassFish admin console (http://host:4848) or using

%installDir%\bin\asadmin deploy --retrieve localdir (path-to-EAR)

Then try launching the client using

%installDir%\bin\appclient -client localdir\EnterpriseApplicationNB68GF3.1Client.jar

(I'm guessing at the name - there should be only one JAR in the localdir directory after you deploy.)

Then let's see what happens. If that all works, then there is something amiss with NetBeans's concept of which GlassFish to use.

- Tim
[Message sent by forum member 'tjquinn']