Re: Standalone EJB Client & SSL

From: <>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2010 20:12:12 PST

Thanks, Shing Wai, I read your blog.
Unfortunately, what you describe appears to have no significant difference from what I'm already doing.
I think you will find that, with your program, the initial request is still being made on a non-SSL.
Just turn off port 3700 and it will nolonger work.

My problem is *not* that I can't get SSL to work - I can.
The issues is (as Dies described): "..IIOP port (3700), so any JNDI lookup/DI goes to this port first.." Which is non-SSL.
I want to use the SSL port 3820 instead (including the initial lookup for the IOR).

Simply setting:
  props.setProperty("org.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort", "3820");
Does not work. From what I can tell, this just seems to result in an attempt to contact port 3820 **withouut** using SSL, causing an exception on the server.

It seems that I am not the first to experience this.
..includes a suggestion for working around the problem by building a "custom ORBSocketFactory".
I would be happy to do this, but everywhere I see ORBSocketFactory, I see "deprecated", so suspect that the world has moved on since this post in 2005.
Any ideas how to make this idea work?

Has anyone got a client to work entirely over SSL (no use of port 3700)?
Must be possible. I hope.

Help much appreciated. Thanks.
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