Re: Standalone EJB Client & SSL

From: <>
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 13:46:00 PDT

I have read this entire thread a number of times and have tried implementing some of the suggestions but after quite a few number of days I am still not getting SSL communication to work. I can get NON-SSL remote calls over the IIOP Listener on port 3700 to work fine.

I have 2 "GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.0.1 (build 22)" servers. One for the web-tier (servlet/jsf) one for the business-tier (ejbs). I need to secure the EJB communication between the web-tier and the business-tier, and I want to use the SSL_MUTUALAUTH IIOP Listener on port 3920.

Below is a summary of my configuration. What about this is not correct?

[b]~~~CLIENT WEB-TIER~~~[/b]

The web-tier is a "GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.0.1 (build 22)" server.

The web-tier's <domain-dir>/config/cacerts.jks has been updated with the trustedCertEntry of the s1as alias exported from the business-tier's <domain-dir>/config/keystore.jks -- the keystore.jks is the DEFAULT one generated by GlassFish.

The web-tier's <domain-dir>/config/sun-acc.xml has been updated with:

[i]<target-server name="" address="" port="3920">

The WAR client app contains the interfaces of the remote EJBs it needs to call.

The WAR client app attempts to inject an EJB using:
AccountService accountService;[/i]

The WAR client app has the following in web.xml
[i] <ejb-ref>

The WAR client app has the following sun-web.xml

[i]<!DOCTYPE sun-web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD
GlassFish Application Server 3.0 Servlet 3.0//EN"


The business-tier is a "GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.0.1 (build 22)" server.

The business-tier's <domain-dir>/config/cacerts.jks has been updated with the trustedCertEntry of the s1as alias exported from the web-tier's <domain-dir>/config/keystore.jks -- the keystore.jks is the DEFAULT one generated by GlassFish.

The EJB server app has the following remote interface:
public interface AccountService { . . . }[/i]

The EJB server app has the following bean implementation:
public class AccountServiceBean implements AccountService { . . . }[/i]

The EJB server app has the following in sun-ejb-jar.xml:

The problem I have when I try to use this configuration is the same as what's described in this thread. When the web client tries to make a connection to the ejb, it looks like it is trying to do so plaintext. I get this in the server log:

[i]Caused by: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?[/i]

How can I get this configured properly??
[Message sent by forum member 'mjremijan']