Re: Unable to launch Glassfish v3 app client via Java Web Start

From: <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 05:11:50 PDT

Hi Tim,

Yup, weird it is. I can confirm that all file protections are all OK, since everything was installed, is running, under one user (both Linux & Windows). But I've been investigating further ...

I downloaded a nightly of Glassfish v3.1 of the 20th March. I could correctly deploy and run my test application on this version - no problem at all. But (there's always a but), when I copied some third-party jars into the lib/ext sub-directory of the domain, I again find problems.

Just to explain the history of my initial problems - I started with the final Glassfish V3.0 release, and have kept it up-to-date with the updatetool. This reports the component Glassfish AppClient as version 3.0.1-9 dated 03/17/2010. This is the version i first tried out, and got the errors as reported initially. Now, with the nightly GF V3.1, the AppClient component has the version 3.1-1, dated 03/20/2010.

Some of the 3rd party jars are things like Bouncy Castle, Joda Time, etc. If we leave the GF 3.0 version behind, and just concentrate on 3.1, then my TestServer application deploys and runs perfectly, as long as I do not have these 3rd party libraries in the domain's lib/ext sub-directory. If I install them there, then the Java Web Start fails (after downloading quite a lot of other jars), because it says it cannot access the resource bcprov-jdk16-145.jar (Bouncy Castle). If I remove this library, then it fails again because it cannot access the Joda Time library. Basically, it fails on the first library in lib/ext that it encounters. Note that between making any changes, I always undeploy, stop Glassfish, clear the JWS cache, and then restart and redeploy - just to make sure that everything starts from scratch again.

Now the thing is that my little test application does not reference these libraries at all, so I'm not sure why the app-client would even want to download them anyway.

Regards, Steve.
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