Re: Unable to launch Glassfish v3 app client via Java Web Start

From: <>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 09:03:21 PDT

Thanks for the sample.

This is officially weird now. I can successfully deploy the test EAR you posted on my system, using both a build from my workspace and an installation from the 17 March nightly build download.

This worked for me using Mac OS X 10.5.8 (Leopard) and Java 1.6.0_17 (the Apple Java SE implementation). It also worked for me using Windows XP with Java 1.6.0_18 and _17 with the same GlassFish download.

I did not try using NetBeans 6.9M1 to create or build or deploy the app. Did you try deploying the test app using asadmin deploy and see the same error?

By the way, just so I'm clear about this, the signing will occur on the first attempted access to the signed file as opposed to during deployment itself.

Is there any chance that on the systems where you see the signing error that GlassFish might have been installed under one user (root, for example) but is started under another, and so that file protections on the generated tree might be preventing the signing from working?

As you can tell, I'm running out of plausible theories as to what the problem might be.

- Tim
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