Re: Unable to launch Glassfish v3 app client via Java Web Start

From: <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 08:53:01 PDT

Hi, Steve. Good to hear from you again!

I just tried a deployment of an EAR containing two app clients, using a build from a very recently updated workspace, so we should be using close to the same code base. I could deploy and launch the clients just fine. So let's see if there's something in the environment on your system that explains this.

The error during signing could be either a symptom of another problem or the problem itself. Were there any errors reported earlier during the deployment?

Can you please try this? Sorry for all the steps, but if this is the problem it would help to collect this information.


javaws -viewer

to open the Java Web Start app viewer. You should see a drop-list (in the upper left on the system and version I'm using) with choices Applications/Resources/Deleted Applications. Choose Applications and you should see a list of apps cached by Java Web Start. Capture an image of that window and attach it to a reply to this topic. Now select the app for Suprima and then click the red X or press the delete key to remove it.

Next, choose Resources from that same drop-list and you should see supporting JNLPs and JARs for the apps Java Web Start has cached. Sort by URL to get the Suprima ones close together and visible without scrolling. Capture a window image and attach it also to your reply here. Select the ones with URLs referring to Suprima and delete those.

Now try launching the client via Java Web Start again.

If this works, then Java Web Start was incorrectly using an older cached version of a JNLP document. That could be due to a bug in Java Web Start or it could be GlassFish incorrectly reporting the timestamp for the generated JNLP documents which caused Java Web Start to think it already had an up-to-date copy of a JNLP when in fact it had a stale one. So if clearing the cache worked for you, I'd appreciate it if you could describe any naming changes you might have made with the app between deployments, or if you had launched this same app using Java Web Start using an earlier build of GlassFish 3. (Some bug fixes in GlassFish 3 have changed where some of the generated JAR files reside, which affects the paths in the URLS in the JNLP documents that point to those JARs. So a stale JNLP could have had the old path to a generated file.)

I think I need to write a blog about the naming conventions for the JARs. The names you described actually look correct, given the app name and client name with the app. It can be a bit confusing, but the goal is for you to never need to think about these names anyway.

Please let us know what you find, and thanks in advance for posting the screen captures. Of course if you'd prefer you can e-mail me the images rather than posting them here publicly.

- Tim
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