Hi All (and Tim),
Just done a first app client on Glassfish v3 using Netbeans 6.9M1 (latest GFv3 with updates from yesterday 17th). System is Ubuntu with Sun Java 1.6.0_16. The app client is packaged in an EAR, along with an assortment of other stuff (war's and ejb's, which works fine). When attempting to launch the app client from a browser, I get the following exception :-
com.sun.deploy.net.FailedDownloadException: Unable to load resource:
Now the actual name of the app client is Suprima/SuprimaBootstrap, and not /Suprima/SuprimaClient. I see in the displayed "more information" of the java web start application error dialog, the following for the launch file :-
In v3, run the client facade as the main JAR. Eventually Java Web
Start might support the splash screen in the JAR.
<jar href="SuprimaClient/SuprimaBootstrapClient.jar" main="true" />
If the client is part of an EAR then there will be an EAR-level
generated facade JAR file.
<jar href="SuprimaClient.jar"/>
Both of these seem to not match the original name of the app client. Looking into the domain, I can see :-
The xml sub-directory contains a file SuprimaBootstrapClient.jar, and then there is also the "signed" sub-directory, containing another SuprimaBootstrapClient.jar.
so it seems as if the whole ear got correctly exploded.
The server log shows the following report :-
INFO: ACDEPL103: Java Web Start services started for the app client Suprima/SuprimaBootstrap.jar (contextRoot: /Suprima/SuprimaBootstrap)
INFO: jarsigner: unable to open jar file: /home/steve/glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/domain1/generated/xml/Suprima/SuprimaBootstrap_jar/SuprimaClient.jar
mainly because it is looking for the file SuprimaClient.jar, when the one there is SuprimaBootstrapClient.jar. Thereafter follows a long list of exceptions, about the not found jar cannot be signed.
Can you check this out please ?
[Message sent by forum member 'suttridge_farm']