Problems with jUDDI and glassfish

From: <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 08:32:57 PDT

Hi all,
i'm developing a semantic web service and i would like to test it. I use netbeans with glassfish.
To install juddi i've followed this instructions, found on this forum:

STEP #1 (Database / User Creation)
mysql on a different ip server:

CREATE user 'juddi'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'juddi';
GRANT ALL privileges ON juddi.* TO juddi_at_localhost;

I did not use the ip in the definition for the user ie juddi_at_10.---.---.---

To verify that I could connect to the juddi database on the server I opened toad for MySQL on my laptop
created a new connection for juddi and connected to MySQL on the server.

STEP #2 (Database Connection Setup)
From glassfish v2.1.1 admin console:

Create Connector Connection Pool(Resources->Connectors->Connector Connection Pools), name itjuddiPool, set Resource Adapter to jaxr-ra.
Create Connector Resource (Resources->Connectors->ConnectorResources), name it juddi, set Pool Name to already created pooljuddiPool.
Create Connection Pool (Resources->JDBC->Connection Pools),name it juddiPool, set Resource Type to javax.sql.DataSource, setDatabase Vendor to MySQL.
Make sure following properties for a newly created pool are set:
I tried both Url and currently have serverName=10.---.---.--- and port=3306

Create JDBC Resource (Resources->JDBC->JDBC Resources), nameit jdbc/juddiDB, set Pool Name to already created pool juddiPool.
STEP #3 (JUDDI Install)
Download jUDDI version: juddi-web-2.0xx.war

1.Unzip get the war and deployed with the following:
Glassfish Enterprise Server v2.1.1
a) WebApplications
b) Deploy....
c) Browse war file on c drive
d) made the Application Name: juddi and the Context Root juddi
d) Click OK

2. Did a Launch of the new Web Application
Got the juddi opening page my browser.

3. Clicked the validate link.

 I had this issue, shown in jUDDI happyness page:

jUDDI DataSource Validation

+ Got a JNDI Context!
- No 'java:comp/env/jdbc/juddiDB' DataSource Located(com.sun.connector.jaxr.JaxrConnectionFactory cannot be cast to javax.sql.DataSource)
- DB connection was not acquired. (null)

I don't understand where the problem is and how to resolve it. Some tables where added in my juddi database, like publisher, phone, contacts and others, so the installation of juddi i think was correct!

Any idea?!
Thanks for the interest!
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