Re: Large scale J2EE project on GlassFish

From: Dominik Dorn <>
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2010 11:37:55 +0100

2010/2/27 Felipe Gaúcho <>:
> Come on guys, the question probably came from outside the Java
> world... the best way of help is giving nice answers and not sarcasm
> :)
ok, you're right.

So, he wants to put all Java sources, compiled classes and configuration into
the database.... sounds like something, some people did years ago in php.

@BusinessExpert: You should step away from putting everything into the database.
It will make your life really hard and you will have to
re-implement/fix a lot of stuff
to get this working. Alone if you think about hacking around with the

Is the assumption correct, that you want to do this, to "dynamically update the
application runtime" or "allow different developers to change parts at
the same time"?
Because thats the only reason why one would want to put everything into a DB...
but there are better ways to do that:

If you want to have full control over your app and change parts of it
at runtime,
you should be
 - using a Source Code Management System like git / mercurial,
 - use exploded web-apps, where you just have to touch .reload for an app reload
 - and use osgi to change parts of the app during runtime.

Again: Putting everything into the DB is a nice thought, but it will
probably not
work, will cost a huge amount of money and maybe the root cause of your
project failing.

If you really want to spend a lot of money, get your colleges and
attend a JavaEE6
Seminar/Course ... it will save a lot of money for the overall
project, a lot of time,
allows you to finish the huge project in time and adds some qualifications to
your profile worth a raise in salary.

If these are not the correct assumptions, please tell us, why you would want to
put everything into the db and maybe we can help you further.

[url=]Dominik Dorn[/url]
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