RE: Re: Java EE 6: Container Managed Transaction with JAX-RS

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 11:34:20 +0100

Great. How to configure it? In EJB there is an annotation for that. Can I use the same annotation in a JAX-RS resource? And does that mean, that I can use *all* Java EE annotations in JAX-RS, like @PersistenceContext for example or @Resource?


From: Felipe Gaucho []
Sent: Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2010 11:16
Subject: Re: Java EE 6: Container Managed Transaction with JAX-RS


Yes for both questions...

On 24.02.2010, at 10:55, "Markus Karg" <> wrote:

        I am used to EJB's functionality of Container Managed Transactions: Before the invocation of an EJB, a TX is started by the container, after the exit it is committed. I am also used to JAX-RS, using Jersey since GFv2. But I wonder how it works in Java EE 6, when my EAR contains a combination of JAX-RS with either JPA or EJB SLSB.


        * When using JAX-RS calling JPA (without EJB SLSB), will there be a container managed transaction?


        * When using JAX-RS calling EJB SLSB, will there be a container managed transaction?


