On 02/22/10 08:26 AM, glassfish_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> Thx, I know that this is the way to configure different data source for different contexts, but I still didn't get the answer if it is possible to use same war file for more than one context. As I understood, only way is to use symbolic links, but that way I think that glassfish will instantiate all classes times number of contexts/applications.
Yes, that is correct.
> What I am trying to do is to have same app.war used in www.mysite.com/app1, www.mysite.com/app2,....
Sorry, what you are trying to do is not supported at this time.
What is supported is making a single copy of your app available at both
by deploying it at "/app1" and also declaring it as the default-web-module
of the virtual server associated with the "www.mysite.com" domain.
In this case, its classes will be loaded only once.
I think what you are asking for would be an interesting enhancement
request, though. In essence, it would amount to having
asadmin depploy --contextroot <context_root>
accept a list of context roots. That should not be difficult to implement.
Can you please file an enhancement request at
> Thx
> S.
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