WebService did not deploy on GF V3

From: <>
Date: Tue, 02 Feb 2010 04:00:36 PST

I have a question about deploying web services on GF V3.
I am not sure what I did wrong. But I can't find my webservice after deployment.

The Deployment seems to be ok. I got the following server messages:

INFO: JTS5014: Recoverable JTS instance, serverId = [3700]

INFO: WSTX-COMMON-2007: Map CMT EJB web method 'org.imixs.demo.DemoWSOneBean'.'updateProcessList' with effective transaction attribute of 'REQUIRED' to wsdl bounded operation '{}WorkflowModelServicePort':'updateProcessList' with WS-AT policy assertion(s) 'WorkflowModelServicePortBinding_updateProcessList_WSAT_Policy'

INFO: Metro monitoring rootname successfully set to: amx:pp=/mon/server-mon[server],type=WSEndpoint,name=WorkflowModelService-WorkflowModelServicePort

WARNUNG: Container org.glassfish.webservices.JAXWSContainer_at_57cbd9 doesn't support class

My sun-ejb-jar.xml looks like this:


I would expect the the WSDL is now available under


But I can not find my Web Service... :-(
Also in the Glassfish Web Console there is no longer a Menu Item called "Web Services" as before in Glassfish V2.1 where I can check all deployed Web Services.

Can any body help me there?

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