I have a jar package containing my model entities.
I have a JAX-WS web service, I need that its web service client re-use the
same entities classes instead of generating new ones (wsimport).
Is there a way that in the jaxb bindings external file (that I pass to
wsimport) I could define to look up for entities for a specific namespace in a
specific java package instead of declaring every ref class one by one?
For example:
I have a lot of this:
<bindings scd="x-schema::tns" xmlns:tns="
<bindings scd="~tns:clientes">
<class ref="com.namespace.model.Clientes"/>
for every entity in my jaxb binding external file.
I would like to avoid to write it for every entity in my model, I would like
to tell jaxb compiler to look for the entities in a specific package.
Is this possible?