JNDI lookup

From: <>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 05:53:03 PST

Unfortunately the JNDI-browser is missing in the Admin-console. Anyway, when I browse through the context myself in the code, I see the java:global but not the java:module and java:app context. When I deploy a bean, the name is bound to the java:global only with 2 different names f.e. [java:global/4eo-babylon-application/4eo-babylon-core-ejb/UserSession, java:global/4eo-babylon-application/4eo-babylon-core-ejb/UserSession!de.feo.babylon.ejb.sessions.local.users.UserSessionLocal]. See my other thread for the application-name issue. <br> The problem is that I need to know the complete path to make a lookup using the context. Or is there a backdoor? Greetings, Jan
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