EJB Client Question (Will This Work?)

From: <>
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 08:47:43 PST

I have several applications, all dependent upon a GF v3 server that hosts EJBs.
Each client application uses annotations and dependency injection to obtain its ejbs and jms resources via the "@EJB" and "@Resource" annotation.

Until recently, I have been running my client applications on the same machine; and only recently did I start to use the appclient command to do so.

I believe that my invocation of the client is similar to:
$GLASSFISH_HOME/glassfish/bin appclient [my jvm args] -jar myClient.jar args -targetserver machine1

One of the jvm args that I set is -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost=machine1, in order for the ejb lookups and the jms lookups to work accordingly.

Now, I need to put my remote clients on additional machines.
So, I guess I'm having trouble believing that all of this is [i]just going to work[/i]. I have a feeling that the glassfish which is installed on the secondary machine, lets call it 'machine2' will know nothing about the first machine -- particularly because the appclient referenced is installed and configured on machine2.

Do I have to do something special to get the second machine to work? Is the correct approach to get additional remote clients to work with appclient?

Thanks for any tips.
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