Re: Glassfish V3 as a Service on Windows Server

From: NBW <>
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 00:55:03 -0500

Hi Brian,

One difference I have noticed between v2.x and v3 with respect to the
Window's service support is that the installer for v2 installs the service
with the "Allow service to interact with desktop" check box enabled. This is
under the "Log On" tab of the service properties. Glassfish v3's service
installer does not do that. On a whim I checked enabled it for my GFv3
service and started the service. A windows cmd shell popped up, empty and
stayed up forever.

This is in contrast to when you start the v2 service and you see a Windows
cmd shell window with stdout going to it that eventually (and quickly)
closes itself. Now, if you close the shell window that is spawned by v3 the
GF process dies. Again, that is in contrast to the v2 behavior where the cmd
shell window comes and goes and the process stays up. The v3 behavior in
this regard feels like a symptom of the underlying issue which is causing GF
to die when you log out of the console, irrespective, of including -Xrs in
both the domain.xml and processLauncher.xml files.

I was also interested in looking at the source for winsw.exe but I only
found the exe itself checked into SVN. I'm assuming its checked into the v3
svn repo and I am just overlooking it, or is it somewhere else?