Re: Http Load Balancer question

From: Xin Guo <Xin.Guo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 14:29:14 -0700

Hi Kshitiz,

Just tested setting authPassthroughEnabled to ture on app server, and
when I try to access the app server through the IIS lb plugin, I got a
500 server internal error. But the server admin console are sitll
working, so I quickly removed this change. But still got the HTTP 500 error.

Looks like this change has caused app server to crash. Do I have to
specify "proxyHandler" (I read that it will be pick up automatically).

Again, a little bit of background info:

- App Server in stand alone mode (no cluster, so HTTP load balancer
didn't show up in admin console), on non-ssl port
- IIS with HTTP LB plugin, run on ssl port. It was able to send the http
traffic to the app server, on the non-ssl port.
- The problem: I want the app server to know the protocol (http vs. https) .
- In IIS's loadbalaner.xml, the following are defined:
<property name="rewrite-location" value="true"/>
<property name="https-routing" value="false"/>

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot,

Kshitiz Saxena wrote:
> Hi,
> The load-balancer plugin installed on IIS will take care of encoding
> and passing required parameters to application server. You need to
> enable enable auth-passthrough using property authPassthroughEnabled
> on application server.
> rewrite-location is only used for redirection.
> Thanks,
> Kshitiz
> On Thursday 11 February 2010 11:08 PM, Xin Guo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are using Sun App Server 9.1 (Glassfish 2.1.1), which is fronted
>> by Windows IIS server with HTTP Load Balancer plug-in provided by app
>> server 9.1. We want to terminate HTTPS on the IIS/http-load-balancer,
>> and use only http on Sun App Server 9.1.
>> The problem is, the app server then has no idea about the protocol of
>> the original request, and will tell the web applications running
>> inside to use http://hostname:80 to form absolute URL.
>> Is there any way to overcome this issue? We have the following
>> properties defined in the IIS loadbalancer.xml:
>> <property name="rewrite-location" value="true"/>
>> <property name="https-routing" value="false"/>
>> I read that authPassthroughEnabled property might be helpful, but
>> then its default implementation requires the IIS to pass back certain
>> custom http headers. We don't have control on IIS, so that's unlikely
>> to happen.
>> Please let me know if you have solved similar problems in the past.
>> Thanks,
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