Re: InitialContext.lookup works but _at_Resource does not

From: Major Péter <>
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 16:46:09 +0100


Check out WicketStuff Core - JavaEE Inject project, I guess it suits for
your needs.


Witold Szczerba wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have problem in one of my session bean deployed on Glassfish v2.1.1.
> The bean is supposed to send messages to WebSphere MQ using WebSphere
> MQ JCA Adapter. So, in order to send a message it needs two objects:
> ConnectionFactory and Queue.
> When I look for those objects using InitialContext, everything works
> and messages are sent.
> The code below works:
> ----------------------------------------
> ConnectionFactory ivtcf = null;
> Queue ivtQueue = null;
> try {
> InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
> ivtcf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup("jms/IVTCF");
> ivtQueue = (Queue) ctx.lookup("jms/IVTQueue");
> } catch (NamingException ex) {
> throw new RuntimeException(ex);
> }
> ----------------------------------------
> The problem is I cannot use @Resource injection to get rod of those
> InitialContext lookups and NamingExceptions:
> ----------------------------------------
> @Resource(mappedName = "jms/IVTCF")
> private ConnectionFactory ivtcf;
> @Resource(mappedName = "jms/IVTQueue")
> private Queue ivtQueue;
> ----------------------------------------
> The above declarations cause exceptions when container tries to create
> that session bean:
> (bean name is wmqtest.Producer, full stacktrace in attachment)
> NAM0002: Exception in NamingManagerImpl copyMutableObject().
> java.lang.Object
> [...]
> EJB5070: Exception creating stateless session bean : [{0}]
> com.sun.enterprise.InjectionException: Exception attempting to inject
> Res-Ref-Env-Property:
> wmqtest.Producer/ivtcf_at_javax.jms.ConnectionFactory@ resolved as: jndi:
> jms/IVTCF_at_res principal: null_at_mail: null
> No Runtime properties
> Database Vendor : null
> Create Tables at Deploy : false
> Delete Tables at Undeploy : false into class wmqtest.Producer
> [...]
> Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: No object bound for
> java:comp/env/wmqtest.Producer/ivtcf [Root exception is
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Cant copy Serializable object:]
> [...]
> nested exception is: javax.ejb.EJBException: nested exception is:
> javax.ejb.CreateException: Could not create stateless EJB
> Can you tell me what is wrong with all this? Could it be a bug in
> Glassfish or WebSphere MQ JCA Adapter?
> I am attaching the entire log, the source code of my session bean and
> domain.xml.
> Thanks,
> Witold Szczerba