On Feb 1, 2010, at 10:42 AM, Sheetal Vartak wrote:
> Hello,
> The question is whether you need RMI-IIOP Load balancing and
> Failover enabled. If you don't want it, you do not need to set the
> com.sun.appserv.iiop.endpoints property. By not setting it, each
> instance will talk its own ORB/NameService to get the requested
> objects.
> Hope this helps.
> Sheetal
Sheetal, IIRC, even if you do not set the property, the home bean
creation is load balanced on the server cluster. When you have
multiple endpoints specified in this property the client has the
benefit of surviving a server failure when one of the end points
becomes inaccessible. It has been a while but the design docs should
be around. Ideally we should put them out for the community.