Re: [platform-dev] Re: Netbeans Platform on top of GFv3 enterprise application client no way!

From: Xavier Callejas <>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2010 09:32:57 -0600

On Lunes 08 Febrero 2010 09:05:10 Adam Kędziora escribió:
> > What stop a Netbeans Platform Application for be able to call/lookups
> >
> > EJB???
> inability of glassfish to understand the hierarchy of classloaders basicly

> The easiest and fastest way (not one I'm happy with but ...) is to wrap
> your ejb's into webservices.


First of all, thank you for your quick anwser.

So, is it know that recent Netbean Platform Applications cannot communicate
(easily) to Glassfish via EJBs?

I want to be sure of this to stop looking a solutions (in short/easy terms)
for this and pass to web services as you advice.

The bad news for me about using web services is all that convert stuff (JAXB
<-> JPA) I must do, (one good thing would be is http transport).

Thank you in advance.
