Re: exception during remote connection to glassfish on ubuntu

From: Xavier Callejas <>
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2010 10:02:41 -0600

On Sábado 06 Febrero 2010 09:29:29 escribió:
> When I run it on Ubuntu, the web start client works only on locahost, from
> another computer


There is a "problem" in Glassfish with the IIOP default listener.

The Glassfish default listener, without SSL, is in address:

'' cause Glassfish to send to clients its host name.

In linux its hostname will be resolved at its loop address (127.0.0.x).

When a remote client tries to connect to Glassfish to its real network
address, Glassfish respond using its host name, and its hostname its
internally resolved as 127.0.0.x, so Glassfish send its loop address to the
client so the conection could never be succeded.

You need to change the '' for its real network address (e.g. or a host name that internally and externally resolv its real
network address.

(in M$ Ruindows its hostname will be resolved as real network address, that is
why it works out of the box with it).

To change the default IIOP listener you could go the Admin Console -> ORB ->
IIOP Listeners -> orb-listener-1

(if you do not have a DNS server in your network, and you want to use a
hostname you could use /etc/hosts, and c:\windows\system32\drivers\host?? )

Hope it can help you.
