Re: Opinions on Glassfish vs. JBoss vs. Websphere, etc.

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 22:24:43 +0100

On 26 févr. 2010, at 22:09, Robert Weeks wrote:

> Hey Alexis -
>>> Some considerations:
>>> - Need high avail/clustering somehow - I know the clustering is not in v3 - at least the same as it was in v2 - but can use mod_jk to alleviate this. I have also been considering Terracotta or something similar (external hardware cluster/load balancing is not an option).
>> Make sure you've read those 2 pieces wrt clustering :
>> -
>> -
> Hmm - I have read these - but there are some conflicts in here. Mike Lehmann seems to be saying that since it was in the original roadmap, that there is no reason is should not be in the current roadmap as well - albeit the original poster seems to say he believes it will not.

Who do you trust more? ;)

> I have started experimenting with Terracotta to maybe take care of this short coming - but need more time to determine.

Please share your experience with Terracotta when you can.

>>> - I like the idea of wrapping our daemons and deploying via osgi modules - and the ability to maybe remove services we don't need in our appliance within glassfish 3
>> It's probably a good idea to do some proof-of-concept to make sure the granularity and dependencies are as you need them.
> I have been working on some of this - but are you implying that the OSGi implementation (being Felix) is not up to par?

GlassFish v3 is 200+ OSGi bundles who's dependencies may or may not let you remove pieces you don't need.
Felix does it's job just fine there.


> Do you have any suggestions with the considerations I had outlined above on which would be a better choice?
> Thanks.
> --
> Robert B. Weeks
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