Re: Opinions on Glassfish vs. JBoss vs. Websphere, etc.

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 21:42:42 +0100

On 26 févr. 2010, at 20:10, Robert Weeks wrote:

> Hello -
> I am in the middle of a decision factor for a company that is trying to determine the platform they are wanting to develop on - which includes being able to run java daemon "modules" to respond to jms messaging, etc.
> There are a lot of questions I have been coming up with trying to answer in giving a recommendation for where to go with this.
> The candidates so far seem to be:
> - Glassfish v2
> - Glassfish v3
> - JBoss
> - Websphere
> I actually really want to go the GF3 path - because of OSGi modularity and others - but am concerned on some fronts and am interested in opinions on this from the community.
> Some considerations:
> - Need high avail/clustering somehow - I know the clustering is not in v3 - at least the same as it was in v2 - but can use mod_jk to alleviate this. I have also been considering Terracotta or something similar (external hardware cluster/load balancing is not an option).

Make sure you've read those 2 pieces wrt clustering :

> - I like the idea of wrapping our daemons and deploying via osgi modules - and the ability to maybe remove services we don't need in our appliance within glassfish 3

It's probably a good idea to do some proof-of-concept to make sure the granularity and dependencies are as you need them.


> - The reality of Glassfish remaining a viable product under the new overlords. ;) (I was one of the casualties this month in the transition)
> I have read Arun's document on the advantages of GF over JBoss as well, but would appreciate any insights/opinions from this community that I can use as leverage in the decision to include this in our appliances.
> Thanks.
> --
> Robert B. Weeks
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