Re: creating a realm through admin-ui fails / console works; Glassfish v3 now broken

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 09:32:05 -0800

Hi Dominik,
You are seeing issue# 11362 which has been fixed and will be available
in v3 update release.
For the time being, you can use CLI to create the realm. Then you can
use the Admin Console to customize it, eg adding properties.


Dominik Dorn wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm experiencing the following problem:
> I'm trying to create the sampleRealm from this blog post:
> When trying to creating it through the admin-gui
> with the values:
> Name: "sampleRealm"
> class-name: com.samplerealm.SampleRealm
> I get an error: "Error An error has occurred"
> and the realm does not get created.
> When doing the same throught the asadmin console
> asadmin> create-auth-realm
> Enter the value for the classname option> com.samplerealm.SampleRealm
> Enter the value for the authrealmname operand> sampleRealm
> Command create-auth-realm executed successfully.
> The realm then shows up in the admin-gui, but I'm unable to add the
> property "jaas-context" = "sampleRealm".
> It shows no error message, but simply does not save the property.
> Any ideas?
> ....
> hmm... I've restarted glassfish and it seems now the authentication
> stuff is really messed up.. I cannot login
> with my admin user anymore... I'm probably will need to setup the
> domain again.. which files should I save
> in order for someone else to work on this issue?