Ruby Container library problem - glassfish v3

From: Marco Dohnke <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 11:38:01 +0100


I have a JRuby on Rails application which I want to deploy on glassfish
v3. For that purpose I have two possibilites: creating a war file and
using the ruby container in gf3. Deploying a war works fine. But when I
try to use the ruby container in gf3, I have the problem that glassfish
cannot find the java classes. They are located in jar-files which are in
my rails_app/lib directory. (If i put the jar files in domaindir/lib/ext
gf is able to load the classes. This solution isn't very handy because I
have to restart gf when a Jar file is changing.)

I use rails 2.3.5, jruby 1.4, gf3.
Does anyone else know of those issues or can someone try to reproduce
it? Maybe it is a bug?

kind regards,