Re: Glassfish v3 embedded throws exception when using BlazeDS

From: <>
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 2010 04:36:27 PST


I was able to deploy my application using my embedded glassfish.

Originally I had nearly the same exception like Peter:
"org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: javax.servlet.ServletException: com.sun.enterprise.container.common.spi.util.InjectionException: Error creating managed object for ..."

I assume that the message might be misleading and hiding the real cause. So far I don't know what went wrong. In my case all I have done was explicitely setting the [b]instanceRoot[/b] attribute for the embedded file system.

    EmbeddedFileSystem.Builder efsb = new EmbeddedFileSystem.Builder();
    if (installRoot != null) efsb.installRoot(new File(installRoot), true);
    if (instanceRoot != null) {
      // this property is normally used as a token in a regular glassfish
      // domain.xml
      System.setProperty("com.sun.aas.instanceRootURI", "file:" + instanceRoot);
      efsb.instanceRoot(new File(instanceRoot));
    if (configFile != null) efsb.configurationFile(new File(configFile));
    if (autoDelete != null) efsb.autoDelete(autoDelete.booleanValue());

During my first try the instanceRoot was "null". When setting a real path on my file system everything worked like a charm.

For your interest: my application is a war file with a JAX-WS web service inside using spring application context with AOP. No problems at all.

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