Re: Error running App Client (-com.sun.enterprise.appclient.MainWithModuleSupp)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 07:32:37 PST

Hi, Jack.

The error message is accurate but misleading. (The error messages in v3 for this same scenario are much better.) It looks as if your EAR - and therefore the downloaded generated app client JAR - contains more than one app client. In such cases, the ACC cannot tell which of them you want to launch unless the command line specifies

-name [i]clientName[/i]


-mainclass [i]mainClassName[/i]

Because the ACC detects multiple app clients in the downloaded app client JAR, it is trying to use the -mainclass option value or, if that's not present, the -name option value to select among the app clients. With -name also not specified, that leads to the error that's reported which, as I mentioned, is accurate but misleading.

Hope that helps.

- Tim
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