new asadmin command for documentation

From: Justin Lee <Justin.Lee_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 17:56:53 -0500

In the v3 cycle, both tim quinn and I were playing with ways to generate
the schema documentation for v3 that we lost after opting for working
without the dtd that v2 had. My version (which borrowed ideas from
tim's) is implemented as an admin command as opposed to tim's external
tool. I'd like to include this command in the v3 tree. The project
site is if you want to take a
look. I'm attaching a sample of the output. Right now the command is
called "create-documenation" but I'm certainly open to name changes. As
of now, the only output is html but I've tried to make adding new output
formats relatively easy and certainly a dtd/xsd option is needed.

Also attached is the jar. You can drop it in your modules dir and
restart to test it. The command is run like this:

    asadmin create-documentation

There are a handful of options to play with though nothing significant
just yet. There are some interesting changes to be considered (as
suggested by Bill Shannon) such as making the HTML output generated
for/by the admin gui or at least outputting the content where the admin
gui can display it. (Right now it generates in the config dir next to
domain.xml.) Anyway, we can hash all that out some other time. Please
take a moment to look it over and see if there's anything that'd make it
a bad fit. Thanks.